Sunday, May 17, 2009

Byron 16, Pearl 16-The talk –summer of 1981

This was the day I fell head over heels for Pearl. We were having a chocolate milkshake at a café (yes –we were kids after all) and Pearl goes:

“Byron I have to ask for a favor?”- “ I really do love you and you are the best boy I ever met but you know I don’t like affairs and that is why I am not your proper girlfriend and the reason is I don’t ever want to hurt you or lose you but…I want to lose my virginity and I do want you to be the one to lose it with….but it will only be a couple of times that we are gonna have sex in the first night really and never again and I do want you to understand and if you cannot or don’t want to I still will understand….”

I don’t think I replied. I just held her hand and nodded positively

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